Beginner Bronze American Smooth Tango Class #2: Basic Under arm turn, and promenade to right Lisa and Israel Ballroom and Latin Dance 2:32 6 years ago 406 Далее Скачать
Beginner bronze American smooth Tango class 1- two walks, progressive side step, promenade, fan Lisa and Israel Ballroom and Latin Dance 0:25 7 years ago 335 Далее Скачать
Beginner bronze American smooth tango- basic, promenade, curving walks class 2 Lisa and Israel Ballroom and Latin Dance 0:34 7 years ago 323 Далее Скачать
Beginner bronze American Smooth Tango-open reverse turn, link to promenade, promenade to right Lisa and Israel Ballroom and Latin Dance 1:13 5 years ago 241 Далее Скачать
Beginner Bronze I American Smooth Tango class #3: Basic fan, promenade, and reverse turn Lisa and Israel Ballroom and Latin Dance 3:12 6 years ago 442 Далее Скачать
Beginning Bronze American Smooth Tango pattern combo #1 DanceWise Dance Studio 0:26 4 years ago 463 Далее Скачать
Tango American Smooth, Bronze Demo Routine. Dance instructors: Jānis and Alexandra Ventura Dance Center 1:06 7 years ago 55 094 Далее Скачать
American Smooth Bronze Tango Basics: Basic, promenade, corte, and fan Lisa and Israel Ballroom and Latin Dance 2:38 6 years ago 4 683 Далее Скачать
Beginner Bronze American Smooth Tango class 2: Shadow rocks, Rock steps, and running steps Lisa and Israel Ballroom and Latin Dance 1:49 4 years ago 504 Далее Скачать
Beginner Bronze American Smooth Tango: Corte, Change of places, and Shadow Rocks Lisa and Israel Ballroom and Latin Dance 2:17 2 years ago 198 Далее Скачать
Bronze American Smooth Tango: Full class routine Lisa and Israel Ballroom and Latin Dance 1:35 5 years ago 608 Далее Скачать
American Smooth Tango Bronze Choreography Marzena Stachura Slawek Sochacki American Smooth 12:28 3 years ago 29 028 Далее Скачать
Beginner Bronze American Smooth Tango: Corte, Basic, and fan variations Lisa and Israel Ballroom and Latin Dance 4:26 4 years ago 360 Далее Скачать
Beginner Bronze American Smooth Tango: Promenade, frame, and footwork Lisa and Israel Ballroom and Latin Dance 2:45 5 years ago 282 Далее Скачать
Bronze American Smooth Tango Last class: Full routine Lisa and Israel Ballroom and Latin Dance 3:11 6 years ago 14 971 Далее Скачать
Beginner bronze tango class 3 Shadow Rocks. Lisa and Israel Ballroom and Latin Dance 0:35 7 years ago 1 161 Далее Скачать
Beginner bronze smooth tango class 3 Lisa and Israel Ballroom and Latin Dance 0:35 7 years ago 170 Далее Скачать
American Smooth Beginner Bronze Tango Class 2: Rocks in closed and Shadow Position Lisa and Israel Ballroom and Latin Dance 3:46 3 years ago 215 Далее Скачать
Bronze American smooth Tango Basics-Promenade turning rt and left, open fan #ballroomdance #tango Lisa and Israel Ballroom and Latin Dance 1:29 1 year ago 206 Далее Скачать